Article: Why we have no Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales this year - A letter to you

Why we have no Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales this year - A letter to you
Our team @ Lambertones has gotten into a groove in 2024, and we're excited about a few upcoming projects that I am not ready to share about yet, but it includes a couple exclusive limited-runs too which is really exciting!
I did want to address something with you, since we've put our cornerstone on transparency and I don't intend on changing that now. This year, especially Q1, was so rough. It was so rough in fact that I questioned if this was something that I want to do anymore, but very quickly I realized it wasn't so much of wanting to stop building - it was more of I want to shift how I was building and get better.
So, I need to let you know that we will not be doing a Black Friday grand sales event like previous years. Its been getting more grandiose, more extended, more advertised with each and every year and I'll tell you this - after doing the final numbers at the end of December, we would have been better off turning the lights off and spending time with our families than doing another sale like we did.
Why should you care? What does this mean?
Well, it means that we won't be doing huge push sales events during that season, and any special offers that we do have will be exclusive to previous customers. Our shop will be open and ready to serve you, but not at the same discounted capacity as the past Black Friday/Cyber Monday events.
Can I be honest? I'm going to be. I've felt 'bad' about this reality for months now; because some of you have said there's no way you can afford what we do at our listing prices, so Black Friday is it. I don't feel bad anymore because our product line is worth it, you've shared this with us over and over again, and if you're serious about your tone you will make the sacrifice to save up and dive in when the time is right. It's okay that the time isn't right right now. We're not going anywhere, I've never felt more passionate about guitar tone and how it helps you sound your best and impacts your own communities at large.
So. This season, we're leaning into the folks that have supported us along the way, and then probably taking some time to recharge, be with our families, R&D special upcoming projects, etc.
Not everyone will welcome this message - that's ok too! There's a nice unsub button at the bottom of the page to let us know we aren't welcome in your inbox anymore.
To the rest of you, we love ya. This is such an incredible journey and opportunity to build for each and every one of you. I cannot wait to share what we have cookin' up here in the Lambertones Lab - ooh, I like the sound of that...
Blessings to you all, in whatever part of the world and whatever season you're in.
- Kurtis @ Lambertones