Tone Journey

Elevate your sound with the Lambertones Crema Humbucker
Are you ready to take your guitar’s tone to the next level? If you haven’t checked out the Lambertones Crema humbucker yet, now is the perfect time. It’s our flagship model for quite a few reasons...
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Probably the best AND most entertaining customer review ever.
This is a message we received over the holidays from a customer named Charles. It was unexpected, unprompted, and filled with flare and I LOVE IT! It's printed out and taped to the wall in our shop...
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Dial in your pickup height LIKE A PRO at home!
There’s a lot to consider when setting your pickup height, and most of us don’t really have a system we use or any real rhyme or reason on where to start. Every guitar is different so simply givin...
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Lambertones donates a % of all sales to Dynamo Studios. They are creating the next generation of musicians, writers, producers, and educators from children living in at-risk environments and underp...
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